Standard 1: Learner
​Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.
Artifact 5
Sub-standard 5a
Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster
independent learning and accommodate learner
differences and needs.
The artifact that I've chosen for sub-standard 5a is my Technology Assessment #1 titled "Creating a Future with Assistive Technology." After writing this blog, I learned how assistive technology is used in various ways, and how to create a universal design for learning and working environments so that every student has the same opportunities. With this in mind, I talked about the importance of assistive technology, how to create a lesson plan and learning environment that satisfies all of my students' needs, and what modifications and accommodations I would make to my teaching style as a future educator. Because of these reasons, this blog corresponds to this sub-standard.