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Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio! 


With the help of ED271 and Dr.

Cyrus, I became a technology proficient professional. If you would like to see my journey, please click on the video to the right! Overall, I gained valuable information and expanded my technology toolkit throughout the semester. As I continue to pursue my career as an elementary school teacher, I hope to gain new information, skills, and abilities that could be beneficial for my future. I look forward to becoming an educator who can teach and inspire myself, my students, and my colleagues. 


Animation Win Sticker [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

Call, M. (n.d.). Education is My Jam [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

Colley, J. (n.d.). Lightbulb Moment [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

Inspired Motivation Sticker [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

ISTE Standards for Educators. (n.d.). ISTE. Retrieved May 20, 2020, from

Jarema, J. (n.d.). Books Read Sticker [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

Morao, M., & Mogollon, R. (n.d.). Girl Think Sticker [Animated Image]. Retrieved from May 21, 2020,    

Sanchez, C. (n.d.). Work Create Sticker [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

The ASSURE Model. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2020, from

United Nations Human Rights. (n.d.). Read Human Rights Sticker [Animated Image]. Retrieved May 21, 2020,        

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